2013-2014 Blister ‘Best Of’ Awards — Part 3

Best Competition-Oriented Park Skis:

• Atomic Punx

Best Of Awards, Blister Gear Review.

With the Punx, Atomic has struck an ideal balance between stiffness, stability, and pop. And it has a low enough swing weight to be really maneuverable in the air and on rails.



 Fischer Nightstick 

Best Of Awards, Blister Gear Review.

The Nightstick is an incredibly stable and stiff park ski. Its unparalleled stability on jumps comes with a small cost in pop and a bit of additional weight, but not so much that it shouldn’t be considered a real contender in this area. (Review to come.)



 Nordica Ace 

Best Of Awards, Blister Gear Review.

The Nordica Ace (formerly called the “Ace of Spades”) has remained unchanged for the past few years, and with good reason. It’s a pretty stiff ski that is loaded with pop and is fairly maneuverable on rails and in the air.



NEXT PAGE: Best Jib-Oriented Park Skis   

1 comment on “2013-2014 Blister ‘Best Of’ Awards — Part 3”

  1. Highly agree with the above selections but I would urge anyone looking towards a stiff competition park ski to consider the volkl wall. Coming in a plethora of different sizes, fully symmetrical, with plenty of stiffness and pop to boot it is definitely a contender with the above picks.

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